Course Description
Open for Registrations!
Reading fluency and comprehension are entwined. A reader's fluency impacts comprehension and vice versa.
In this eCourse, you will learn some fun ways to explicitly teach and practise reading fluency with young readers aged 5-12. Lisa shares ideas for mini lessons (whole class explicit teaching) and reading conferences. These can also be modified for small group learning contexts.
You'll also get to peek inside a few lessons and reading conferences Lisa held with young readers from some of her Partner Schools in South Australia. We want to show you (rather than just tell you about) the kinds of intentional teaching you can do.
What do I get for this Registration Fee?
- Access to all 4 Modules
- Access to videos in real classrooms
- Reflection Guide for each Module
- Downloadable Fluency Continuum
- Downloadable Reading Conference Note templates
- BONUS! 5 Fabulous Story Tables eBooklet

Lisa Burman