Who is the ‘Authentic Educator’? 


You believe in children.

You believe in the power and potential of education.

You believe in yourself.

You believe in continually growing as a person and as an educator and that these are connected. 

You love learning.

You love thinking hard. 

You want to be true to your beliefs. 

You want to be true to your values. 


You’re looking for ways to align your daily teaching decisions with your beliefs and values.

You’re looking for a place to feel connected to like-minded educators. 

You’re looking for a place to feel inspired, affirmed and supported within a community of learners. 

You’re looking for a place to be nudged to grow as an educator: to build knowledge and understanding and learn ways to BE the educator you want to be. 


You want to advocate for another way to BE school.

You’re looking for a place of belonging where the child is not lost in the educational process. 

You know the best way to do this is to start with yourself.